Blockchain fit for regulated finance

Eliminate reconciliation, power digital asset liquidity and unlock risk-free settlement across financial markets.
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Discover Daml

Build, join and run regulatory-grade applications that connect on the Canton Network.

Daml unlocks synchronized finance on the Canton Network - a unified network of sovereign applications, where value flows without friction. Synchronize, tokenize, and mobilize regulated financial assets and services with Daml’s privacy-first smart contract language, developer tools and accelerators. Run applications on independent Canton subnetworks with Canton synchronizers. And connect to assets, services and counterparties with real time synchronization and direct asset ownership with a participant node.

Critical capabilities for connected capital markets

Independent control

Regulators demand you have full control over the digital assets and services you operate. Where other public networks force you to give up control to a pool of shared validators, Canton puts it squarely in your hands. Each application can choose its own infrastructure and validation rules so you control access, governance, SLAs and scalability. And this control is maintained, even when connecting across applications.


Investors shouldn’t see other investors’ transactions and their holdings. Asset registry operators shouldn’t see each other's data. Other public networks, L2s and complex cryptographic solutions cannot meet these fundamental needs. With Daml, privacy is simple. Transactions are split into their component parts, and synchronized between participants on a need to know basis. Stakeholders only see, validate and record their parts of a transaction, even when it spans multiple applications.


Real-time, risk-free settlement needs atomic smart contract calls across independent applications, without introducing new counterparties. Think asset delivery versus payment; think DeFi. But DeFi protocols are at odds with the privacy and control features needed for capital markets. And other blockchains have to sacrifice this connectivity to reclaim any control. The Canton protocol is uniquely able to perform atomic smart contract calls with privacy across independently controlled applications.


Guarantee the synchronicity of data, agreements, assets and liabilities across counterparties to reduce the costs and risks of traditional multi-day processes. Build, connect or participate in secure distributed applications that eliminate the latency, costs and errors of manual reconciliation, and deliver the value of a single source of truth.


Unlock trapped assets and reach new customers with the end-to-end tokenization and lifecycle management of regulated real-world assets. Automate issuance, asset servicing and settlement across systems with privacy and control. Accelerate your tokenization initiatives with the proven framework for modeling complex financial instruments and workflows for atomic value exchange.


Seize new business opportunities that are only viable with synchronized assets and risk-free settlement. Give assets additional value and utility and optimize cashflow and capital by enabling collateral mobility across previously unpenetrable boundaries. Trade and settle across markets and jurisdictions. And offer enhanced services in real time, without the latencies, costs and risks of T+N.

The Daml difference for regulated finance

Granular privacy

Codify read permissions at every step of a transaction with Daml smart contracts. Canton synchronizes contract execution across stakeholders on a strict need to know basis so parties only ever see what they are entitled to see.

Interoperability with control

Compose transactions across applications and Canton subnetworks to ensure interoperability without giving up control to shared validators, or introducing the counterparty and partial settlement risks of asset or custodial bridges.

Unified network for regulated digital assets

Connect with the broadest, deepest ecosystem of regulatory grade, tokenized assets including fixed income, private equity, OTC derivatives, commodities, carbon, mortgages, repo, funds, deposits, digital currency, stablecoins and more on the Canton Network.

Accelerated asset tokenization

Future proof your digital asset initiatives with Daml Finance, a comprehensive tokenization library. Use building blocks to model real-world assets with automated lifecycling, and ensure asset compatibility across the Canton Network, with an extendable multi-asset framework.

Secure synchronization

Canton decentralizes consensus and validation of transactions amongst just those parties directly involved in a transaction. This means security against faulty or malicious nodes, control and privacy for participants, and the ability to interoperate across subnets.

Unlimited scalability

Daml scales for the complexity and performance demands of financial market infrastructure. Like the internet that scales with each new network switch and server added, applications and users can expand the capacity of the Canton Network with their own subnetworks and nodes.

Enterprise features and support

Daml Enterprise provides high-availability, resilience and fine-tuned performance for mission-critical systems. Access around the clock support, maintenance and upgrades, and tap into the expertise of Digital Asset’s professional services and customer success teams. Learn More

Designed for enterprise developers

With Daml’s functional smart contract language and the Daml Software Development Kit (SDK), access purpose-built developer tools that remove complexity and development risks, and ease enterprise integration. Get started with open source today.  Developers

Join the Canton Network with Daml


The Daml SDK

Purpose-built for multi-party use cases

Daml smart contracts are designed to define the shared protocols for assets and services that span organizational boundaries. Developers can concisely express the granular rules, authorizations and workflows surrounding asset lifecycles and services.

Composable smart contracts

Daml smart contracts are composable across Daml applications, even if they run on different Canton subnetworks. They abstract away the complexity of the network topology and allow the developer to focus on the business logic of connected assets and workflows.

Rich, modern development experience

The Daml SDK provides an intuitive, integrated developer experience including automated feedback on authorization, privacy and application behavior. Test applications instantly; iterate fast and with confidence.

Enterprise grade integration tooling

High performance, gRPC or HTTP based APIs as well as SQL based data access allow for scalable and flexible integration in almost any language or framework. Streamlined language libraries for Java further accelerate the development of automations and integrations for most enterprises. 

The Daml SDK

Tokenization accelerators

The tokenization framework for finance

Rapidly build regulatory-grade tokenization solutions with off-the-shelf asset models to digitize everything from cash to equities, and debt to derivatives. Model rich structured products with Daml Finance’s asset modeling libraries.

Attach meaning to tokens

Unlike other solutions, model the full rights, obligations, lifecycle events, and automation of complex financial instruments and workflows.

Asset composability

A common foundation to create network effects with other Daml applications across the Canton Network. Assets originated in one application can be used in another to enable asset mobility  and utility across the ecosystem. Think DeFi-like composability, but with TradFi-grade privacy and control.

Supercharge settlement

Increase operational efficiency and reduce the risk associated with complex asset movements, taking advantage of Daml Finance libraries for flexible settlement workflows.

Daml Finance

Canton Blockchain Protocol

Synchronization with control

Canton synchronizers order and sequence transactions, executing Daml smart contracts with consistency and finality guarantees. Unlike other protocols, Canton pushes validation to participants’ nodes, ensuring privacy for users, control for operators, and ledger integrity for all - even in the presence of bad actors.

Your node, your data

Running a Canton participant node provides a gateway to use and transact across any Daml application, and access the entire Canton Network ecosystem. Participate in multiple applications, staying in sync with other participants. Your node, is your private slice of the global virtual ledger.

Internet-like scalability

Canton is horizontally scalable. Each application can increase the capacity of the network by deploying supporting Canton infrastructure, while each node only stores its own data.

Interoperability infrastructure

Daml gives you the freedom to choose the Canton synchronization infrastructure to execute atomic transfers across chains. Compose transactions, employing both private synchronization services and/or decentralized, always-on, interoperability services, like the Canton Network’s Global Synchronizer.

Canton Blockchain Protocol

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